Episode 11: Embracing where you are right now with Michelle Hicks


Being a mother isn’t always about cute little smiles and kisses from our children; its beauty comes with struggles, too. More so, being a mother and a career woman is on another level. Finding a balance between family life and profession is one heck of a fight. We often catch ourselves at a crossroad, hoping that we would make the best decision for our family.

In this episode, Michelle Hicks, a mother and a Teacher of the Visually Impaired, gracefully shared her fair share of struggles to get to where she is today. It’s amazing how she was able to find a middle ground for motherhood and her career. Her grit to further her education and her ways of making things work out is truly inspiring. She had her eyes fixed on being a certified TVI, so when the right time presented itself, she took it and succeeded. Michelle is currently on her fifth year as a TVI and she’s always gearing towards making her students’ and future students’ life better. She’s also launching her podcast, TVI Talks with Michelle, on her website called Aim Braille Solutions, so that’s also something to look forward to. Michelle is such a role model!

I firmly believe that embracing who she is and where she is in life has largely contributed to her success. When we come to terms and realize that we are not bounded by circumstances, that’s when we are able to spread our wings and soar high.

Do you find Michelle’s experience relatable? Grab your headphones and listen to this episode!

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A smiling lady.

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