Episode 71. (BONUS) Increase Your Learners' Independence with Ease

Welcome to the podcast, friends!! I am so so excited to bring you this bonus episode. This episode is a replay of our workshop last Thursday. If you want CEU credits for this presentation or to get the visuals, you can register for it at alliedindepnedenceonline.com/workshop and take the CEU quiz before August 5. 



Let's do this tonight at seven o'clock my time so I'm going to say tonight. For those of you guys in other parts of the world it might be morning or midday. You are at Independence with Ease. I am Kassy Maloney. Hi all, you'll start to see my maiden name here and they're around so I just wanted to share with you but that's just me. It says all the summer work. Today we're gonna take some notes. This isn't really a note heavy presentation, tried to sneak in some fun. But really, there's just a lot to go over. And I want you to have the best experience possible. And what that will look like is, we are going to have a lot of things that I share with you. And a lot of this comes from the framework that we use inside our signature course, what used to be orientation and mobility for students with multiple impairments, we're now expanding it. And it's now called impacting independence. So we're taking that, and I'm basically giving it to you for free, just not going as deep because we don't have time or the energy exchange from it.

Tonight, what you are going to do is keep an open mind, and you're going to allow the thoughts that you have to come up. And what I mean by that is, there's a chance that I could piss you off today. And not because I'm a mean person, but because we all have this way that we think about things. And we have to be able to accept a different perspective when we want to grow. And that means challenging our own thoughts. We've had to do that a lot this year. And I congratulate you for doing that a lot this year, and taking a new data and new information all of the time to make new decisions, and tonight's gonna be no different.

Yes, you're gonna have your CEU codes, which we'll go over that in a second. But as you do that, I want to remind you that this isn't just like collect them all, or catch them all kind of Pokemon gathering CEU situation. I want you to actually take this information, whether or not you decide that you want to stick around at the end and learn about impacting independence or not, that's up to you. But you are here with me for an hour. And I want you to take that hour and compound it and make it as big as possible in your life. Find all of the places that you can put this information because dedicated orientation mobility specialists know that CEUs are social construct. We aren't just going around picking as much as we can. We are here for a reason, because we want the return on investment in our time. That is exactly what I want for you, I want you to have some tangible takeaways that you can start to implement today. If it's not seven o'clock at night or later, maybe tomorrow when we wake up.

Okay, so, like I mentioned, if you stick around for the whole hour, you will be able to get your CEU certificate with a lot given. Your beginning code for that is mobility M O B I L I T Y. Again, your beginning code for your CEU, you're going to want to write this down on a piece of paper or whatever you use, the word is mobility, M O B I L I T Y. It's a long word, I don't usually choose words that long. Here's the deal. Please write it in either all caps, all lowercase, or the first letter uppercase, if possible, okay.

Your CEU questions that you can answer on the form that you'll get in your inbox. It should be it's scheduled to go out at 9pm Eastern Standard Time, so right when we finish up this, that link will take you to the All Access page. At the middle of the bottom to the All Access page, you'll see the form. If you're watching this on the replay, hello, your form is right below you because this video will be right above it when we get it up. But this form is already there. As of Thursday night, July 22. You'll need the beginning code, the ending code and the answers to 2 CEU questions. They're not hard. They're not meant to scare you or confuse you or like gate keep anything from you. Not at all. But they are here to make sure that you don't just like turn it on, walk away and forget all about us and then come back for the ending code. So what are they?

The first thing that you'll want to take note of are the steps of the framework. You'll notice as we go through that there'll be a couple bolded or highlighted steps. I'll try to verbally share that as well. I want you to pay special attention to those because the actual questions will only ask for one word answer, okay. The other wrong answers are not anywhere on those slides actually, all day, I don't think that I said the word at all. So don't let that confuse you. The second thing is you are going to want to identify one sure fire way to piss off your co-workers, meaning when you're working with your co-workers, is there a good way to work with them, and a not recommended way? Yeah. And we'll get to that too. Again, it should be easy peasy.

The big thing here that I want you to take away is that your destination gets to live at the corner of success and ease. You don't have to choose one or the other anymore. But in order to get there, you do have to grow. And you do have to be willing to expand your mind. And that my friend is absolutely your choice. However, you want to take this, do the work upfront, get rewarded later. We'll go into a little bit more about my story in a little bit as to how I've navigated the road to here. And it wasn't always easy. And my job is to make sure that you stay away from the potholes and the landmines that I had to overcome. 

But for now, we get to play a game. And yeah, it has total 13 year old boy vibes here. But you know, I couldn't fit them any memes or gifts in here so, we got a fun game. You know that game? Never have I ever we're gonna play something like that. But kind of the opposite. It's called Oh, have I ever. And what we are going to do is we are going to be honest, and share as a community, as a collaborative community. In never have I ever you raise your hand or you take a drink whenever you haven't done something that gets said. Today, I'm going to say like a number. And then I'll share whatever the thing is. And if you have ever done it or experience to that, I want you to put that number in the chat. It's really simple, easy, fun game. Everybody has loved it. That's fine. If you're watching the replay, just write these numbers down and see how many you get. Okay, ready? All right.

Number one, never or sorry, oh, have I ever started a lesson without a written lesson plan? So if you have ever started your lesson without a written lesson plan, this one's for you. We've got a lot of ones already. Yeah, we're all in this right. Okay. Those also don't always go the best. Number two. Oh, have I ever worked more than 10 hours in a day? Number two. Oh, have I ever worked more than ten hours in a day? Oh, we got lots of twos. Oh, yes. Lots of twos. Exactly. We're gonna get into that. Today's mission is to save you time so you can live your best life. Number three, felt shame when I wanted to leave work on time. Number three, if you have ever felt shame, getting your bag sneaking past your co-workers when you wanted to leave work on time. Exactly. Oh, yes. Judy's already at number four over there. Haven’t even said it, she's already there. Like you read my mind. Number four, felt like my teaching strategies were like throwing spaghetti at the wall. You know how you throw spaghetti at the wall and you see what sticks. Meaning you didn't really have like an overall plan. You just kind of needed to see is this gonna work? This is not gonna work is this is gonna work. We got lots of fours. Exactly. Lots of fours. So I know it got lots of threes. Lots of fours.

Sounds like we're all on the same boat. None of us are perfect. And if you are perfect in some way related to home life and work that I probably do not resonate with you. Look, the truth is that teaching is hard. Teaching is hard. 2020? 2021? That was ridiculous. And oftentimes we end up floating around or like feeling like we're on a lonely island all by ourselves. For me contract work a lot of times feels like I'm swimming on the middle of the ocean. And I'm like looking around looking to see who can help me who can answer my question. Maybe there's a special ed-director I can grab. Maybe I can look for I don't know an admin. Man. There is like the first year I think I got halfway through the school year didn't know my learner had a TVI only found out because I saw her on the visitor log. I was like, Well, what you want to want to communicate this with me? like, Okay, thanks.

But because nobody knows what we do, we can often just slide on by. None of my bosses know exactly what I do, and that makes it really easy for things to slip, just on the day to day, right, not the not the overarching, which is on a day to day like showing up without a lesson plan, not always knowing what I'm doing, maybe taking the wrong turn, maybe getting lost a little bit. And what ends up happening after time and time and time of this happening is kind of like if we start from California, and we are going all the way to New York, and we go around and around, and we're like driving, and we make a wrong turn. And then we kind of get lost. And then we have to turn around and then we go this way. And then we ask our friend for directions. And then finally, a few things happens, we have a couple options. We don't make it there at all, we get so lost. So turned around, we quit and give up and a lot of people are doing that right now. Or it takes us so much longer than it would have taken us. And that can be in the sense of your students’ skills. It can be in the sense of just like you progressing, you feeling like your skills are progressing. That happens all the time. And really the thing that gets us elevated and out of that is to have a step by step process to follow on a day to day basis. So we know what we're doing when we come in. And then on top of that, we have a good, my aunt would say head on your shoulders, we have a good perspective, to be able to challenge what we're seeing, and then elevate our life and our perspective. Because we can elevate our perspective, everything that we see is going to be a challenge. It's going to feel like a challenge. And like it's insurmountable. We're being overcome by it, when those are just our thoughts.

So today, what we are going to work on is giving you the step by step framework, so that way you can increase your learners’ O&M skills with so much less stress. So that way you can live a better life outside of work. I hope that that's what you came here for because that's what you're getting. If I don't know you, I think I know mostly everybody here there's some kind of new names. Hi, I'm Kassy and yeah, I could tell you like the normal stuff. I can tell you, I have a master's degree and I worked at a school that specialized in students with multiple impairments that purposely had high turnover caseloads. I could tell you, you know, I wrote a book, I run this very small and wonderful organization. But that that's all just stuff that you write on the, like insert of a body.

The real story is that my journey to becoming an impactful orientation and mobility specialist has not been easy. So I did start off working at the school and it's like Cinderella's castle schools, right. It's amazing. And they have all the resources and everything is wonderful and amazing there. One of the cool things that happens is that kids do not stay. I just now right now in my teaching, I'm staying with a student all through from eighth grade to 12th grade. So the longest I've had the same student. And my caseload kept changing. And what that ended up doing for me in the long run was allowing me to have a lot of experiences trying to figure it out. But along that way, I ended up having kids love them. And realizing at that time as I was sitting in the mother's room crying my eyes out, really wondering where I had gone wrong in my life because I was so exhausted. And at that point, I was able to realize that my learners’ weren't making the progress that they needed to be making. But I can remember some other times before that in my career, where I wasn't 100% sure if they were making the progress that they needed to be making, because I have written my goals so vague that really, I could like fluff it either way. Like they were fine.

But in these moments, I had one and then two young kids at home very quickly. I was sleeping, two to four hours a night working a full time job, being the primary parent, somewhere between having one kid and getting pregnant with the second kid, I decided to start my own side hustle. And my own online business teaching yoga to busy moms. And I loved it. It taught me a lot. But the biggest thing that that taught me is that I couldn't waste my time, once I started learning how to use my time, and I started learning how to develop processes and how to really streamline the things that I was doing not in on cutting corners way, but in just the like, oh, if data is over here, why not taking that data and moving it over here kind of way, that's when I started to be able to really take what I was learning as a business owner, plus the customer service skills that I was learning because I didn't have any of that before. Even if my customer was like my best friend from college who just wanted to support me because she was being sweet. I was able to learn how to help people in a way that got them the results that I wanted them to have, and help transform them without my ego being involved in it. And hopefully, you can feel that from me now. 

I'm not necessarily telling you, you have to do something, we're also not teammates, and you're here by your own accord. But putting all that together is really what got me here. And that is where I'm coming from. When I say the word process or framework, I don't want it to scare you. We all have processes, we all have systems in our homes that we use to run our lives. It's just a matter of does that system allow you the freedom that you need? Does that process solve the problem that you needed to solve? If it does, it's a good one. Maybe you can improve more upon it, but it's a good one. If it doesn't, then that's where the trouble lies. Because what you will end up doing just backtracking over yourself and just wasting a bunch of times like going around in circles. Everything we do is a process.

For perfect example, I have a great dish washing process now. Not a big fan of dishwashing have not especially like as married to man who used wash all my dishes and now I'm not and I'm like oh, you know, who’s gonna wash my dishes?! Now I enjoy washing the dishes not because I enjoy washing dishes, but because I don't feel stressed about it. And it took me 30 something years to, I didn't come up with the process myself. I watched somebody on TikTok do it, I adapted it, and I started doing it. And now my dishes are always clean, I always have a clear sink, it's not a problem.

Another example, you probably have a process or a system of where you put your keys, maybe your shoes and maybe your bag when you get home. And the purpose of that process is so that you can find your stuff in the morning. Nobody wants to be looking for the keys on the morning when they're late and they got to go. Nobody wants to be looking for their purse or their badge. And you probably don't want to be searching around for your shoes during that time either. Right? They typically have places that they go in your house, otherwise, you're searching everywhere for them. And that process works.

Conversely, I have an email process right now, that is just I want to say malarkey, it's just not working. We've got some people in here right now who are waiting for an email from me for like three days, because the email system needs to be fixed. And it stresses me out. And we just need to like take the time to fix the system. So what are we going to do, we are here today to set up our navigation system. So that way, we can create these processes that will ultimately give you the freedom to live your best life. So that way you can show up confident to work, you can be excited about your work day, and you can stop pouring from an empty cup. 

We've got to stop allowing our indoctrination of the things that other people think because they believe them and because the system needs us to continue working overtime in order for it to work. Yeah, yeah. Have you thought about that? It's not fun. The system, the educational system that we're in the government systems that we're in that pay our bills need us to work without pay, in order for them to keep working and running the way that they have been. That's why there's always so many budget cuts and that's why when you talk about money to teachers, there’s this like tight hold on us, because we have been constrained to a box. We’re like the only profession, that you know how much you're going to make before you apply. Like what? And everybody makes the same. It's wild, there's no other entity where we are so constrained. And you're asked to do more and more and more and more. And what we can do, to keep our head above water is to set up things for ourselves. So that way, we don't succumb to the pressures of that system, we don't feel overwhelmed. And ultimately, we don't leave because you like you, we need you in this field, your learners need you. And if we can do that little thing, every day, just take one step forward, we can make those changes.

So what we're getting into today is called the evaluation to collaboration method. It's your blueprint for increasing your learners’ O&M skills without burning out. Keywords without burning out. That's what I get from holding down the thing too long. So here's like the 300 foot view, we're going to calibrate your compass. This is all like map terms-ish, I tried to keep it as map term-like as possible and it sometimes works. Sometimes that will elevate your evaluations plan the path to success, then we want to take the quickest route, and we want to get our friends in the board say ‘Come on! Let's go.’

So when you're calibrating a compass, this is step one, there are a couple things that we need to look at. The first thing is, how are we feeling that day, because the teachers are one of the only professions where we will allow the other teachers to say things like, oh, but we've always done it this way. And what they do is they hold on to this resentment that things are not the same as they used to be, they hold on to this resentment, that what they have been doing isn't working, instead of elevating their perspective, and you can elevate yourself by going within and two separate ways. One is by looking at your thoughts, and one is by looking at how you spend your time. And when you look at how you spend your thoughts, you can start to foster a great relationship with your learners with your admins, and just with your relationship with your job in and of itself. So that way, you can get rid of the Monday scaries, and really have a great time. Have you ever known a teacher who's using strategies from like the 80s, and super resentful of her job, and had amazing skills happen with their learners? They typically are the ones complaining that their learners aren't learning. And when you share your ideas, they'll say, oh, but whatever. Oh, didn't work because of it. Oh, I can't do it because of this, because they're so stuck in their way. So that's one thing.

The other way that we can look at this is by looking at our time, I want to share this with you, all the other groups have loved it. And I didn't even include it in the framework. But what we're going to do is actually add this and then some to impacting independence, because a lot of people in the other groups really loved it. One way to look at your time, is as your most precious resource, and wasting it is killing your vibe. There are plenty of places where I bet you are wasting your time right now. And that's simply by trying to multitask. Trying to multitask and moving from task to task actually decreases your productivity by, I think, it's 20%. Every time you switch tasks, think about just like making a map. When you start to make a map, you got to get the glue, you got to even think about what you need to buy, maybe go to the store and buy it and then do this and then cut the pieces. When you start that up, you have to get all the things out, and then put them all back, get them all out, put them all back. The same small time fishers go for when you are doing smaller tasks that don't require a lot of physical labor and like emails. When you go to open your email. You have to get in the zone to write all the emails and answer them. And then you switch over to social media and then you switch over to talking to your friend and then you try to come back to emails and then you're planning periods done and guess what? You didn't get it accomplished at all because you're trying to multitask even if you're trying to multitask between two productive things. Your email and your assessments, it is going to be really hard to get back on track, you got to like, think about it, even if it's just for that little second.

So, one thing I learned becoming a business owner is how to batch your tasks. So what does that mean? That takes, that means for you to write out all of your tasks that you do on a weekly basis, and batch them, like combine them all together. So for example, I've just written out like a quick list here, Mondays, you could write your to do list absolutely have a to do list, please; Tuesdays, you can make your maps; Wednesdays you might email your parents; Thursdays, you might follow up with teachers and writing your lesson plans on Fridays. I highly suggest writing all of your lesson plans on Fridays, even if it's a short paragraph, even if you just print out your schedule, and you just write a few quick words in it, have something written down, ready to go on your desk or on your phone Monday morning, before you even get there. Because the chances of you getting in early, probably not so good. And then the chances of you being a rock star for those lessons before you can actually sit down to think about your week. Also that gets draining. So that's some ideas.

Here are some self-reflective questions for you.
What am I giving too much other things and not enough to myself?
And then what can I shift off of my plate today, so I can have better relationships with my learner?

So the second part of this has to do with your evaluation. And y'all, I love you, I love us, struggling teachers write bad assessments. Assessments are the foundation of your entire student success path. And they can be bad. Powerful assessments, create direct line from your recommendations and your assessment all the way to your lesson plans, you should be able to go to your lesson plan and be like, Oh, that is exactly where that came from. You shouldn't have to guess. And if you're guessing, if you're wondering on a daily basis, that's probably the issue. Have you seen a checklist assessment that actually is that's a good foundation for learning? No. But there are ways to do this, in which you make it streamlined. And in which you can do this in less than two hours as contract staff, we get about two hours to agree to do our assessments and evaluations. Like oh, just met you two hours, I'm going to write everything about you what you can do in it, oh, my goodness, the stress, need to have a procedure as to how you're going to gather that information. And then the biggest thing to do is to make sure that all of that information is in a direct line all the way down to your daily lesson plans. Because if you can do that, you will save yourself hours and hours and hours of time. You don't need to be wasting days and days and days writing all of your assessments, because you're scattered and you don't have a system for gathering the information. Set up a system. Gather the information you need in a quick and concise way. In impacting independence, we use the macro to micro assessment procedures. And then it goes streamline right down in a line and not wavy crisscross everywhere. 

So let's think about this.
Do your assessments cover everything that they need to cover?
Do they take you a really long time?
And are your recommendations relevant and easy to understand by others?

Moving right along, you guys can ask questions in the chat. If you are watching the replay. Feel free to ask us some questions through email at the team alliedindependenceonline.com. But if there are no questions. I'm just going to assume you're taking notes and we're just gonna roll right on through.

The third part of this, and we're about halfway through everything that we need to get through with just the steps, has to do with data. Okay. Data is our favorite. Is it not? Is data your favorite? To streamline data. We have to write goals. That's truly the process and oftentimes a writing goals and maybe they're good, but they don't tell us what we need to be working on a day to day basis. And they don't provide us the information that we need. Like if you were to get to process. Do you know where your data is in relation to where that learner is against their goals? There are easy ways that you can just like go back and get that data. Have you ever seen those goals? Oh, I think that was the last people writing them this way. So I'm not accusing you, but just in case you have done it, we're going to hold space for your growth, is writing something like will cross the street with 70% accuracy. And then they wonder why people are just like, Yeah, okay. Okay. Because only you know what that means. The parents, the caregivers, the other team members, they don't know what you mean by that. They don't know what happens to the other 30%? Does the person die? Do they not start crossing the street? Or do you help them across the street so neither of you die? What is it what actually happens?

It's really hard for other people to understand what we're doing. And for us to write data in a way that we can share with them easily, like progress report day, you want your data to be so streamlined that you can videotape it. Can you videotape what that learner is doing? So my suggestion to you here is to actually write the goals that can be videotaped. I like to do it in one session. That means they want to write them in a way that they are so objective, it's binary. It's either Yes, the learner did this or no, the learner did not do this period. Cannot think about it. Cannot question. Cannot waver. That is going to save you so much time on progress report day, if you can just look at that last piece of data and it actually correlate with exactly what the goal says, you are golden. Because that way if your due process, if you want to know exactly where what piece of data is, if you want to be able to copy and paste your data into your goals and fix it into the way that your admin wants it sentence form or not, or however it needs to go. It's right there. We go more in depth into goal writing in impacting independence, there's a whole sequence that we follow of how to write our recommendations, we'll go over the visit scale, we'll go over a bunch of other ways that you can figure out exactly what your learner needs their direct service time and all that jazz, because there kind of is a science to it. And as orientation mobility specialists, we're a little bit left on our own.

Here's some self-reflection questions for you.
Do my goals come directly from my recommendations?
And can everybody on the team understand what I'm working on this year?

Just some easy things for you to start looking at and we can't go backwards. That's the hard part about our work is we can't go backwards. But we surely can move forward and start the new school year off on the right foot. No, no, sorry, things get super fun. This is where the strategies, the teaching strategies actually come into place. Because let's be real, this is a new profession, very new. If you think Bank of America became a really big bank because of the San Francisco fires in the early 19, early early 1900s 1800s. I think about that in comparison sometimes. And I'm like, well, we're a little bitty babies. And we'll do a little bit babies do, they develop and grow a lot of real fast. And then when they get older, like things have settled into place. And we are part of that growth, we get to experience this exponential growth. But the information is a little scattered.

Having impactful strategies at your fingertips is essential to keep up with changing demand. When there is changing demand of your caseload, or changing demand of our profession, everything is always changing. And if you are lucky to have the same caseload year after year after year, at some point it's going to change our jobs are not those in which we can know and expect what's going to happen on that day to day basis. We can get a new student on our caseload at any point in time, or if you work, maybe at the VA, and maybe you always get turnover in your caseloads at certain times. And we know that certain visual impairments are rising and certain visual impairments are falling. It really depends on what happens in medicine. And so for that reason, it's kind of absurd that we have to go around and hoard this information that we come across, and a lot of times we're behind the ball on it like we want our students to increase their skills faster. So that way we can know exactly what to teach and how to teach them right. But sometimes what happens is, when we get a new student on our caseload or when there's a potential of that, we kind of shy away and not due to any fault of our own. But simply because it's not something we can Google. We can't just go necessarily ask a friend can't just go back to our university books and say, Oh, look, this book that I had 10 years ago, it has this right here, because it probably doesn't, everything changes so fast. So I would suggest, if this is an area that you want to get better at, and today, we're mostly talking about processes, the strategies and becoming your best version of your orientation and mobility self, and increasing those skills. So that way, you can lead a better life outside of work. That also happens here.

So I would suggest, starting with one learner, and just learning about that, and then learn about another and then learn about different patterns, and then learn about different kinds. So that eventually, it's like a domino effect. And you can be ahead of the ballgame, and start looking forward into the future to see, oh, what else is coming down the pipe? And my other co-workers are getting people with deaf-blindness? What am I going to have to learn for that when it's my turn, instead of constantly being behind the eight ball and trying to figure out what we need to do in order to meet our current learners needs, we're already really far behind. The impactful teacher understands that you can have the skills and you can look forward into the changing future, and actually bring that new information together and use it as new learners come up. And if not, then yeah, we end up behind the eight ball. And that's just not really cool. I mean, have you ever known a teacher who was like, super burnt out? And then they took a lot of time to learn a bunch of new skills? Yeah, I mean, that's, that's what we're here for, right? And then that's how they get better.

Now, in this one, today, it's not really heavy on skills, we're really heavy on the process in total. So I'm going to urge you to find a library that has information like somewhere that you can keep a lot of information in one place maybe it's a Google Drive. In impacting independence, we have a whole library that you can come in and watch any of the modules at your own leisure. And it's constantly expanding. That's a really great way for you to always have something in your back pocket. But there are many other great ways as well.

What's one skill that your learner needs that you don't have?
What's one thing that you're doing that you don't need to be doing?

So we've got in all the way to the point where you start to look at yourself, then you are changing how you do assessments and you're saving time there, then you are actually formulating a plan, like a three year actual plan for your learner and not just doing things like in the moment, and you're actually planning for it, and then you're elevating your teaching as well. And now once that learner is making more progress, once you've figured it out, then it's time to bring the whole team along. Because the truth is, you aren't the expert. You're not, we're all not. We spend one two hours with our learners out of 112 waking hours, that’s one percent in their daily life. Maybe you're a TVI, maybe five hours. It's not much. And yet constantly, we butt heads with their caregivers who can actually support their independence, so that they can then generalize their skills. We need the other people to help us in order for our learners to generalize their skills and we can take them back because you can get your learner to like hear right by yourself. But if the rest of the team can go all the rest of the way, and then your learner can increase their skills faster. It's a much easier way of doing things than you just being in a boat all by yourself paddling, paddling, paddling, paddling, because then it's going to feel like you're going upstream and that's no fun

Generalizing their skills is going to be the fastest way that they increase them. Just like going to the gym more than one time, a week or in your life is going to increase the amount of times that you can actually, the probability that you're actually going to see progress. Gotta get other people on board. But there are ways to do it and we're not taught that in school. We are kind of come together as like grumpy people. Just gossipy and egotistical sometimes. And it's because we haven't had to serve other people. We're such like an individualized kind of community. And then when people don't do things the way that we want them to, it can be like tension. And I don't want that for you. I've had to learn how to have customers and how to make other people happy without it being, without me, right without being my ego, and how to get them across the finish line in a way, that helps everybody and in a way that's positive for everybody.

And one of my favorite, favorite, favorite things that I love to do is to have short and quick communication. That means, listen up for your CEUs, that means that if you are writing long emails to people that are demanding things of them, and not showing them empathy, probably pissing them off. At least they're not doing what you want them to do. When have you seen somebody that you go by, right? You have a bad relationship with them, you go by them, you say you need to be using your cane more, oh, tell your mom that you need to be using your cane. And then they do it happily, the whole time, even when you leave. Yeah, that doesn't typically happen. Doesn't happen, because we haven't built a relationship with them. They don't know like or trust us. So quick, positive communication. No more long emails.

I once had this teacher, like I said to that I saw them in the hallway, and I sent out this mass email and I said to them Oh, did you get my email? Because like, I really wanted a response back. I was planning something, whatever. And they said, ugh you emailed me again. At that time I was like, oh, that was the feedback I needed to be like, Okay, so now I know I’m doing something wrong but I don't know what it is. And then later, after implementing these things that I learned, then I was able to get 100 people to do more work. And then like 60 of them thanked me for that more work, like 60 of them thanked me because they had to do more work. I feel like I'm blessed. They will do things for me that are for the betterment of everybody, and not give anything.

So one of the ways that I really like to do this, I've shared this before, it's a student brochure. Here's what it does. It celebrates the learner, and it congratulates them for doing something. But it also sets the expectation at home. Because if you have something that's actually tangible, that the family members, and the staff can put up on their wall as a like, Congratulations, it's an object reminder to anybody with vision that Oh, that learner can do that thing. That's right. I like to have what they actually can do and under what circumstances, and then how the other people can help. All there and a picture of the learner doing that skill. You can do this in Google Slides. You can do this in PowerPoint, you can do this in Canva. I like Google Slides and PowerPoint simply because they're more accessible. But if you want something pretty, you can go ahead and make it in Canva. It's super easy, and cheap or free tool. If you stay to the end, I'll actually tell you how you can get the template of mine.

So we've got some self-reflection questions being well, I guess it’s just one question.
How can I have more positive consistent communication with my learners, caregivers and peers?

We're gonna think about that for just a sec. And this is the Q&A time. That is Yas. Man, we ended a little early. So cool.

Tell me one thing that you are going to implement. And this is your time to be able to ask questions. I'm just looking through my notes to make sure I didn't miss anything. One idea that you are going to implement, are you going to write your assessments so that they create a streamline directly to your goals? You're going to batch tasks. Great, you're going to make a brochure. Love it. Are you going to elevate your thinking batching tasks brochure? Yeah. Easy love it, finding a photo, super boring skills to find tasks to do each day. Great. See, it's a batching tasks thing. I loved it. And I was like, I really want to share this, I don't know where it is, after the first group, I just said, Man, we have to put this in impacting independence, because this is just one idea. Then there's the whole idea of like, how to batch and how to like theme your days, or how to set up your to do list in a way that's not stressful, but you know exactly what you're doing. So we don't waste your planning periods. Because it's those little times that we don't notice they get away from us communication skills with staff. So wonderful, more regular positive communication. Amazing. Great, Paul! Brochure is great, reflecting on being concise and efficient with your communication. Lovely. 

So you guys, you have already made such big, big huge progress in just that hour. Think about how much more progress you can make. Think about all of the hours that you can save yourself from doing these tasks in ways that don't serve you. And then think about how you can then use that new time to live your very best life. Tell me one thing that this opens up for you in your life. You're batching the tasks, you're going to organize your lesson plans, what would saving one hour a week do for you. And as you're writing that we do have the ending code up just because it was the next slide. It's seven to two, your ending code is seven to two. I'm just going to keep it up for a few more minutes. So don't worry.

I know I'm asking you to do two different things. You're going to decrease your stress, Rebecca. Yes. That's exactly right. Use that time to exercise. Grace. That's perfect. You're going to work out. Yes. Lovely. Sit and drink a cup of coffee in silence. Okay, you guys, this is what I want you to do. Your next steps walk beach time with the kids. Oh, Paul. I’m jelly. So jealous right now. Organizing lesson plans. Great Antoinette.

So now what you're going to do, right after we get off this is you're going to actually write that down, schedule it, put it into action, and actually believe in yourself and make those things happen. Because you deserve to sit and drink a cup of coffee in silence. You deserve to walk and have beach time with your kids. You deserve to work out you deserve to go from tired and stressed out teacher. I only have two guests in here. But we've got a man pouring coffee over his head that says there's no tired like teacher tired and Oh man, I just resonated with this, like the end of last school year. I think we're all like crawling. You deserve to feel confident and excited. And it gets to be simple. All of the concepts that I share today are not these like wild New Age concepts. What we're doing is we are redefining what we are already doing, how we've been doing things in the past with how we think about things, how we manage your time, how we write our evaluations and the length of time that it takes to write these really good evaluations, how we plan our recommendations and our goals, how we teach, and then how we collaborate, setting up systems in place so that we could show up every day and give our best and be our best even on the days we do not feel like it. We get to be impactful teachers and lead a life outside of work and it gets to be simple. That doesn't mean that setting it up is like easy peasy. You don't just get to come to one hour lesson and it all magically happen. You have to take those steps every single day. Yeah, I'm a list maker too, Sheila. Knowing what needs to be done in order of most of these priority is relaxing to you. Me too, Sheila! You and me would geek out together on how I batch my tasks and like set up my tasks for the whole week. It's amazing. And also very stress relieving as I tried to digit a few weeks ago, I was like I'm gonna forgive this and I'm gonna lean into my feminine and I was like I'm so stressed out like, I just need to know what to do. All you have to do is take one step every single day.

With that framework, Lisa who participated in what's now impacting independence and was on them for students with multiple impairments said that she was struggling with how to get started with a student. And now she's learned good ways to observe a student in multiple environments like hallelujah, to be able to walk into multiple environments and have an like you can I said just write down on a sticky note, you can just have it and know exactly what you're assessing how you're assessing, and it know exactly what's going to happen next in that order is so key. And it's also not always things that we are taught in school, although we use all of the tools and all of the current strategies, we bring them in to this program.

But the coolest thing about this that I'm so excited about this year is that while we do have all of the whole program all the way in there, we are also updating it. And it's going to be all taught live except for a session I'll show you because those are taught by guest experts. And we are actually going through this as a cohort, one week at a time we're going to meet together live, you'll be able to see your friends will be able to have your questions answered, you'll be able to actually like participate just like we are right now. But you'll be able to have your screen on and actually unmute yourself when you need to. And every week for the first like three weeks, there'll be actually teaching a class. And then the fourth one, since they're already a ton of strategies in the library of learning, as what I've decided the other day to call it when I was making this up, I was like, Oh, that sounds like a fun name. We already have a ton of sub modules in there. And we're adding more and more. Remember, these sub modules were already based on students with multiple impairments, which is really just any student with any other impairment, which is a lot of our kiddos, and especially a lot of our kiddos that we don't necessarily know what to do about because they don't follow that linear path that are set up, you know in books.

We have guest experts come in and share what are the best practices to do. We're also expanding this, which is why we changed the name. And I'm so excited about that. We've got someone to come in and teach us about roundabouts, we're having at least a tech class. And then we've got room for three more classes that you guys will get to choose the entire cohort will just get to choose what they want. And then we'll seek out that expert if I don't know how to teach it. And then we'll have a live class. When that live class is over, it gets uploaded into the portal just like these things do. So that way, if you want to come live, you absolutely are welcome to but if you don't want to come live, and you just want to catch it later. That's A-okay. If you were in those courses before and you want to come to these live, you again are more than welcome too. Some of our guests experts that already have lessons in there are Lisa and Emily Jackson, the two people on the end here. They teach about orthopedic impairments, and then Anna Peskin as well, she teaches on I believe it's the neurological impairments.

You guys, you can do this, like this is all possible for you. Imagine your students increasing their skills without forcing yourself to work overtime all the time. Like Imagine being able to do that. Imagine having the confidence knowing exactly what skills to work on so your students make the most improvement. Imagine being able to leave work on time. Being like I know all of my learners are making impeccable progress. And or maybe today is just absolutely not my day. And I have a full library to come back to, to watch when it is the time to do that. Imagine your learners’ teams happily following through what you ask them to do because that's really most of the battle. And feeling excited to teach again. I mean, I still not letting my kids buy backpacks yet at the store. We'll get there in August. Well, when it actually comes time to teach, I will be excited to teach. Now I'm excited to prepare, like do behind the scenes stuff. But most importantly imagine living your life outside of work. What's that look like for you? Do you get to go home and like make a dinner? Instead of going through the drive thru and then not feeling great later that night? Do you get to enjoy a movie on the couch with your kids? Do you get to just turn your phone off, like off, and not stress about it? These little intangible things that are so hard to really see how they're going to come into fruition but ultimately, you can have that and it's really not that far away. You just have to set up your navigation and go there. And that happens just by taking one step at a time.

And we celebrate every success. If you're in any of my programs, if you're in clarity, if you've been in any of our professional learning courses, we celebrate every tiny success. Why? Because it's a 1% bits of success that if you just do 1% every day, that's 180%, increased success rate. That's 100% over 100% improvement, just one every day. I know that. It seems like really big and fun and easy just to take a pill be like, here's a new app, that's gonna solve all your problems. Yeah, they're fun. But on the day to day, do they really give you what you need. Molly said that she was struggling to figure out where to start with skill instruction for a student who didn't have comprehensive O&M services before she arrived. And now she's excited to go through the framework to create a comprehensive plan that she can discuss and eventually role release with her teachers and family. That's amazing! Role releasing, being able to say like here, here's that brochure, here is what I made. You can use all of our templates, you can use everything that I offer you and just copy, individualize it, and then send it off.

The really cool thing if you do have learners who are younger or learners with multiple impairments, Karolina Gonzales has a bonus module in there. And that's all about using mobility, adaptive mobility devices with students with multiple impairments. And she is amazing. She goes through how big it needs to be, she goes through what kind of wheels, what kind of like PVC, or hula-hoop. She goes through how to join them together, she goes through where to find the wheels and how to attach it. Everything that you need to know is in there and it's a lifesaver. I have been lucky enough to be taught by her specifically and the way that she can share this information in such a kind way is really fun to learn from.

Yeah and so a lot of times when we get to this part, people are like, okay, like, what is this gonna do for me? And how much does it cost? Well, you'll get the whole program, okay, and I don't want you to get overwhelmed with how many modules it is and having to take them library. Like this is a library for you, too. You know what I have to do an evaluation, I'm going to pop into that module. Watch it and Okay, I got it, I got it. Or, you know, I've got this goal coming up, and I don't know how to write it. I'm going to pop into that module. Okay. Okay, I got it. I got it. Oh, I've got a new learner coming up who is on the spectrum? Like, what do I do for that? Okay, all right, I'm gonna go in there. I'm just gonna watch a module when I'm doing laundry, or I'm gonna listen to it when I'm walking my dog or doing dishes or something like that, like, okay, okay. I like to do this stuff. When I'm doing laundry or taking walks, I constantly I'm taking courses, because that's accelerating my learning in the areas that are really important to me is one of my top values.

And then you've got 10 CEUs at the 11 o'clock time, I think I said nine, and then I went back and looked at it, and it's actually 10. And then we're adding those extra ones as well. So we're up to at least 12 and then we're approaching like, 15 CEUs for this next cohort, which is really, really awesome. So for all of that, let's think about how much time it will save you. If you just say one hour a week, for 180 weeks, I'm just taking a regular, no, I'm sorry, for 36 weeks, then this course is really like $7. $7 for that one hour that week, let alone all the extra time, it's going to save you in the long run, since you've already set these things up. And you're already doing them in a new way. And then anytime you have a new learner, you just come on back, and it's constantly being updated. It's constantly being renewed, and we constantly have new people coming in to share their information. You get lifetime access to this. It's only $257. I know for a lot of people that I can feel like heavy chunk change, right? You might have to ask your boss in order to be able to join us and Registration is open till August 5. So you have time to do that. But if you do join today, I will be giving you some goodies as well because I want to invite the people who actually, who want to join and who want to say yes, I am ready and I'm willing and let's just run with this because I deserve that. I'm going to reward you. And I will show you that in a second.

But either way, the big thing I want you to know is that your satisfaction is my guarantee, there's not an ounce of anything bone in my body, I don't even know how you say it, that's just here for money in any way. Money is an energy exchange. And this program is worth 1000s of dollars, we're only charging $257, just to keep the lights on and to keep our organization running, because it costs money to run an organization. But if it doesn't work for you, if you do the lessons, and you don't increase your learners’ skills, and if you don't see that your time, is more of your own, but it takes less time to do your work, you've got a full semester to let me know. And we'll just refund your money. Because we're not here in the business for making things difficult for you. We're not here in the business of offering you something that's risky. My goal is this for this to be a no brainer for you, for you to be like who I want to know more, I want to know how to increase my learners’ skills and how to live their best life to look my best to feel my best to have the time to work out to be able to walk on the beach, to be able to do all the things that I want to do. And I don't want it to be a huge risk for you, I don't ever want it to be like, Oh, I don't know what I'm going to get. Just take that out of the equation at all, if you find that this is not worth it for you. And you've actually done the work a long time just to say, hey, I'd like a refund. And okay, that's totally fine.

But if you do want to join today and join the ranks of the people who are jumping into impacting independence, we've got some goodies for you. I'm going to give you my brochure. And I'm going to do this this weekend. So we're just going to let everybody who wants to come in before midnight tonight, July 22. Come in and actually get this, I'll send it out tomorrow. And then we'll also be giving you a full month of clarity lesson plan. So those are 10 lesson plans, plus their materials at this point. Some are digital, a lot of them are handouts, because some people are back in person, some people are teaching online. And so if you need a PowerPoint for something, if you need a handout for something, if you want to be able to print something out, so that way either you can Braille it, it's all done. It's there for you. And it goes with the theme of whatever's going on right now. So all of that is yours, it's absolutely yours. We've got the whole course, Karolina's bonus, the 12 CEUs, and the three extra that will decide as a group what we want to learn about your lifetime access, money back guaranteed, and if you join by tonight, you get clarity lesson plans and the brochure. You guys this is like the most phenomenal thing for registration is only open until August 5, we have to be able to close it down. So that way we know exactly who is in which cohort. But if you want some more information, everyone you put this in the post in the chat, but we're going to alliedindependenceonline.com/impact. And I think that he just did that. Let's see. There you go. Go ahead, and you can click that. And that will take you to the website. Let's see if I can actually pull that up for ya.

Does anybody have any questions about the framework itself? Or do you have any questions about Impacting Independence? I am 100% here for you. We can go over whatever questions you have. You're welcome to DM me, you're also welcome to send us emails at theteam@alliedindependenceonline.com Now I can see the words. Cool, right. So this is what it looks like. It's our website. And as you can see, you'll notice it says my Kajabi we host our portal on Kajabi. And I really like how they can do graphics. So we host our long informational websites on here. So if you want to join Impacting Independence, you can learn more about it. This just like explains a lot of stuff. And then you click that button it goes right to this link. Here. If you're paying with a purchase order you're welcome to do that. You're going to use the code impact I M P A C T  I M P A C T, right there, IMPACT2021 so IMPACT2021 all caps.

I can't, I actually don't know if we've had O&M specialists from Australia specifically, Karen. I can't think of who would be from Australia off the top of my head. But these are all things that you guys are doing in Australia as well. And nothing that you're seeing here is anything that's specifically what spaced. The other really cool thing is, it's a really small cohort, right? So you will have your voice heard, you will be able to speak up and say, How do I use this in my country? And again, if it actually doesn't work for you, then we can return your money, not going to keep it in force that you know what I mean? And this is in US dollars, just to be 100% Sure. So I definitely want to make sure that we are always leaning more towards that global perspective. So if there's a way that we can make it better, or if you have other feedback, or if you want to even do a module in and of itself, if you're a guest, on our modules, those are paid, I'm happy to have that conversation with you. Yeah, of course, that's a that's a very, very valid question, right? Because people do things a little bit differently everywhere.

I think a lot of times people can also see these and be like, Okay, wait, so I get in a good mood. And then I evaluate, I plan I teach and I collaborate. Well, that seems really easy Kass, like, why am I gonna pay you anything for that? I can do all of that. And yes, you absolutely can. You have been doing a good job already. But what got you here cannot get you to where you want to go? Or else you would be there already. So just think about those aspects, when you're looking at is this worth my money? Is this worth my time, because money we can make, right? We can Uber for a day and make this money. We can sell a bunch of tchotchkes on Etsy, we can make this money. You can sell t shirts on Amazon, I think you can like sell straight from Canva to Amazon, somehow you can make the money. Money is everywhere. Money is a social construct. It literally literally is just binary numbers at this point. But the time, your time is the investment that I want you to really think about, is this going to save me more time in the long run? How much more time can I save with this course? And how much of my life can I get back and increase my teaching skills. That's really what we want to look at. So if you want to pay with a purchase order, and you're anywhere in the United States, or anywhere else, use the code IMPACT2021. And then what you will see is, you know, usually we put it on the confirmation page, like we'll put a little form on the confirmation page, we didn't do that this time, you'll get an automatic email asking you to fill out a form and then you just fill out that form really quick. And then you can send the information to your admin, and that admin will get an actual invoice because this software sends you what they call an invoice and I love this software. It's great. But it's not an invoice if you pay $0. I just wanna like come on you guys, it’s not that hard.

Samantha, please let me know if I can answer your question out loud the group or if you just want me to DM you in just a sec. Alright, so then we're here, right? You use your PO if you want to do that, and then you can just send a cheque. And then you'll get your login information. Okay. Oh, yes, Sheila, you'll be able to view the beginning of it, you'll be able to find it on the all access page. We probably won't get it up tonight but you can look tomorrow. And we're sending your CEU form to the All Access page.

Sam asks, Hi Kassy, I'm just entering into the field. Congratulations. And had a quick question. Is this impacting independence focus on students, children or is applicable to adults as well. I would say it's more focused on students and children because that's where I've had the most of my experience. Now. Next time we run this after I've had experience with adults, I might be able to give you a better answer. But right now, I don't want to steer you in the wrong way. Because I haven't had any experience teaching adults because COVID totally got in the way with that. I hope that helps. Thank you for asking such a good question. You're so welcome. That I think that's a really, really good point. When you're looking to learn from people is to make sure that they have the experience that you are going into if you're going into a VRT, I don't know if how this works within that system. Now, elevating your thinking, you'll need to do that anywhere. Batching your time and figuring out how to spend your time. You'll need to figure out how to do that in your head. How to like plan for your planning periods. If you’re contract staff and you don't get planning periods, you definitely need that information, how to write your evaluations, or how to actually conduct your evaluations in a way that's more succinct. I would say yes, but I just haven't had to write those evaluations just yet. So I again, don't want to steer you the wrong way.

Planning your goals, I again, would say yes, because the framework is still the same. This is one that again, I just don't 100% know yet. The strategies will work for anybody. These are all students with multiple impairments. So you'll find that the strategies are basically the same, you might just be working on different skills and different goals. And then collaborating as a team, you might have different issues. But I think we're all the same. We're all itinerant, we don't fully know everybody that we're working with on the team. And we don't always have that transdisciplinary approach. If you're in a system that has a transdisciplinary approach, then that aspect of it may not be as applicable to you. But if you're in a system that has a transdisciplinary approach, and your learners aren't generalizing their skills, the way that they need to be, then yes, you will definitely want that those components.

So in the program, you'll have module zero, what to expect, this just walks you through, what can you expect from the actual program, this is also where you'll be able to register for your live trainings. So you can see all the days and times here, we tried to make them for different days of the week different times. So that way you can try to make some of them, I don't expect you to make all of them. That's not how things roll. And I don't expect you to stay with us the whole time. Again, you can pick and choose what you need from this, and take the others and run with them. For module four, like we'll have module one, live training; module two, live training; module three, live training, and then we'll have live office hours that week. So that's kind of like a catch up week, you can do 123. And then have a week to where you can either chill, do your other life, or come to office hours and get your questions answered. If you've started an assessment, if you are working on goals, if you're just getting stuck, you just have like this negative Nancy person that you're working with whatever questions you have, you'll be able to get those questions answered. That's just kind of like regular office hours when you would go into your university professor, and you would be able to ask your questions.

The cool thing about our community is that typically, I'm not the expert in that area. And so we have other people who say, Oh, I have an idea, can I share it? And they say, yeah, and then they talk. And we have other people with so many different aspects and so many different perspectives, that other people can come in and be like, Oh, I'm having this, this issue with these. And I can share my ideas, and I can help get them over the hump. And then other people can help share their ideas as well. And it's such a beautiful thing when we all come together like that. And then we'll come back for module five, we'll do a brand new training on collaboration. And then the next week, we'll again have office hours, where we'll wrap up, we kind of look at, you know, Where's your progress? What are you needing? How can we help you? What are your questions? And then we'll also have other modules coming down the pipe about tech, there's going to be a technology module. And then there's also going to be a, not module, but sub module, because it'll go into module four. And then we'll also have round about. somebody really cool has verbally said that they're going to come in and work with us on that, which is Oh, I like Oh, and I can share more about it. I'm so excited. We're not under contract yet because I was working on this, but it will be soon. And then this just tells you how to get the most out of your experience.

Up here. It's really simple navigation. The program, the modules, your module and then the lesson that you're in. It's real simple. And then these again, they're already in there but they're getting updated. Let's go to how to evaluate your students got all of this information now it still says students here and we're moving towards learners and of themselves. Okay, so there they are talking about Texas Two Steps. And we've got some optional homework and resources. And then you have your seat was right there. It's all really simple. Also in order to get your CEUs once you wrapped it all up and you said okay, I've taken all the ones that I want to take I am done then you just come fill out your CEU form. If you fill it out, but the first of the month, we will get you your certificate by the 10th of the month, it's going to be a manual process. So we do need that actual time in order to get it for you. So just budget your time shouldn't be that big of a deal. We all kind of know when our… I looked around. I literally just looked around for my ACVREP certificate, oh my gosh, like, Oh, my time is going to soon too okay.

And then module three, we go into how to write your evaluation recommendations, and how to determine exactly where your learner is at and then writing your IEP goals and determining the correct service time. So all of that is happening very shortly. And we've got the collaborate cooperation. And your other bonus as well. On the right hand side, you just click this, and it'll take you over to what to expect and registering for your modules and getting to us. It's really just that simple, you guys. It's not, the information is powerful but getting around the site is really easy. We just try to make it as simple as possible for you because our biggest goal is to get you in, get you learn in whatever you need to learn, and then go on with your life so that way you can actually teach. I'm going to share my PowerPoint once again, and open up the floor for any questions. You're more than welcome to ask me anything that you need to. I am here to answer any and all questions that you guys might have. If you need like a script or something to send to your boss, just saying, Hey, I will. I'm interested in taking this program. We can send that out to you as well. We're more than happy to help you with that.

Antoinette and Claire, did you guys have any questions? And Matthew? I didn't get to say how you earlier. Hello, Tisha. Julie. Jenn. Annette. Paula. Hey Sue. Hey Rebecca, I didn’t’ get to say hi to you. 

Rebecca says lifetime access is a definite plus for her. She's excited about that feature. It's like clutch because think about it, people who paid much less the first round in 2018. They're getting all this new updated information all the times that the tools change, all the times that I learned something new, right? I'm gonna start working with adults soon. So I'll be able to see does that actually work? Or do we need to refilm it, and you automatically get it. 

Oh, Claire, I'm so glad. I'm glad that it was a useful session. And I hope that you take this information, and absolutely run with it. Have a great evening, you guys, you all are amazing. So registration is open till August 5. If you want those bonuses, you're welcome to register tonight. If you register with a purchase order, you'll still be able to get your bonuses. But just make sure that it's something that you're allowed to register for without talking to your boss, if you're able to do that. We want to keep this not as stressful, as not stressful as possible. But everybody needs a deadline and we especially need to get started. I'm really excited to get started. You’re so welcome, Matthew. Oh, one thing I forgot to share with you guys is for module one, we actually have a certified life coach coming in to share how to hold space, how to give yourself grace and elevate your perspective, from a very, I like the Life Coach School method because it's very black and white.

Oh, good. I'm so glad that you liked it. Thank you so much. Leticia, I'm so glad that it was helpful for you. Alright, so you guys are welcome to share one thing that you are going to do besides looking into the program, of course, because we'd love to have you honestly, I think that everybody here in this room absolutely has the potential to be the most impactful teacher, take what you learn, right and just have fun with it. And then whatever you want to be able to do in this field, you have the potential to do, you're all already really good O&M specialists and or learning how to be really good O&M specialists. So all it takes is just so a little, a little bit pre-planning, you know, are you guys we will see you shortly. So you should already have the email with your CEU form. If you don't just send us an email theteam@alliedindependenceonline.com and we'll get it for you by tomorrow morning. It doesn't close until August 5. So that's no big deal. I'm glad that you like this, Rebecca. I'm so glad you guys are just the most amazing community. The most amazing. Brings my heart so much joy to be in community with you. Also dedicated look at you all here during the summer. During the summer. You're welcome. Thanks for coming out. We're going to head out, go spend some time with our families. And we'll be in the email inbox bright early tomorrow. Bye everybody.